
Create great-looking interactive quizzes

Using you can create interactive quizzes in minutes and embed them easily in any website or blog using 1 line of simple HTML. They're available in many languages.
You can also use the quizzes already created, like the example that follows about the Earth.
En puedes crear cuestionarios interactivos en poco tiempo y embeberlos fácilmente en cualquier página web o blog usando sólo 1 línea de HTML. Están disponibles en varios idiomas.
También puedes usar los cuestionarios ya creados, como el ejemplo de la Tierra que os presento. 


Peer editing and correction

Watch this video and find out how to encourage peer correction in class. It's valid for any level and any language.

Mira el vídeo y descubre cómo animar a la corrección entre compañeros de clase. Se puede usar para cualquier nivel e idioma.



A great and useful idea to start a debate in class is through world news. In this link you can get all news in one click, updated and divided into sections. Besides, you have them in different languages!!
What about asking our students to create a newsmap?

Una idea buena y útil es empezar un debate en clase a raíz de las noticias del mundo. En este enlace tienes todas las noticias en un clic, actualizadas y divididas en secciones. Además, ¡están en distintos idiomas!
¿Qué tal si les pedimos a nuestros alumnos que creen un mapa de noticias?


Ideas for setting homework

Tired of setting the usual homework tasks? Sick of "Write answers to this exercise" or "Write a story about blah blah blah"? 
Here are 18 unusual ideas for "homedo" tasks. They might not be appropriate for your class but could inspire you into thinking of other ideas to get students doing things with their English.

1. Watch a TV advertisement you like in your own language and write an English version of it. Next day in class, rehearse and perform it with your group.
2. Talk only in English for one full hour this evening – even if no-one in your house understands you!
3. Cut up 50 small scraps of paper. Walk around your home with the scraps and a pen. Write labels (e.g. 'fridge' 'plug' etc) for as many things as you can and place them on (or next to) the objects....
4. …. then get a friendly person to walk around rearranging all your labels randomly. Can you put them back in place?
5. Next day… bring in all your labels and compare them with your colleagues. How many items can you label in class using these?
6. Search your home for as many items with English on them as you can find (tin labels; instruction leaflets; names on the back of the TV etc.).
7. Your teacher will give you a joke (or a poem). Learn it by heart.
8. …. or practice - then record yourself telling it, as well as you can, onto a cassette recorder. Bring the cassette to school next day.
9. Cook some food (e.g. scones, biscuits etc) using instructions given by the teacher. Bring the results into class for 'marking' by the other students.
10. Watch 1 minute of an English video tape and replay it till you understand every word.
11. Your teacher will give you an 'English' tea bag and some instructions. Go home, make a cup of tea and relax following the instructions precisely.
12. Decide on your favourite English word.
13. Teach your family an English game (using instructions given to you by the teacher).
14. Walk for half an hour around your local area and give a running commentary to yourself, as if you were a newsperson giving a live report on what you (or the President or pop star or sports hero) is doing.
15. Dream in English. Well … at least try falling asleep with English thoughts in your head.
16. Tune your radio across all the wavelengths till you find an English language programme. Keep listening long enough to work out what the station name is, what country it's from and what the programme is about.
17. Choose your favourite English language song (on CD or cassette). Bring it in to class (with the lyric sheet if you have it).
18. Find someone at home whose English is a lower level than yours. Offer them a free half hour lesson… then teach it.



Train your brain with European Geography: quizzes on countries, rivers, monarchies, mountains, seas, regions, capitals, lakes, islands, flags, ports, metropolitan areas, peninsulas, volcanoes, straits, the Eurozone and the Union.
A good way to learn about Europe while practising languages as it's available in English, French, German, Gaelic, Dutch and Spanish!


Entrena la mente con Geografía de Europa: preguntas sobre países, ríos, monarquías, montañas, mares, regiones, capitales, lagos, islas, banderas, puertos, áreas metropolitanas, penínsulas, volcanes, estrechos, la Eurozona y la Unión Europea. 
¡¡Una buena forma de aprender mientras practicas idiomas ya que está en inglés, francés, alemán, gaélico, holandés y español!!



Have you ever wondered what a wiki is??? or How could I start using them??? In that case, here's a link to a list of the Top 10 sites to create a wiki .
Hope you find it useful!!! Students really like it and it's interesting to use them to review at this time of the year.
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué es una wiki o cómo podrías empezar a usarlas? Si ese es tu caso, aquí tienes un enlace a una lista de los 10 mejores sitios para crear una wiki.
¡¡¡Espero que te resulte útil!!! A los alumnos les gusta y resulta interesante para repasar en esta época del año.


100 best videos for teachers

This list of videos have been divided into 9 different categories including history, arts, science, language, How-Tos and a variety of others.

You can take a tour of the Rijksmuseum or learn sign language or get tips on classroom management.  The selection is quite varied.

Be careful because some of the videos have been removed from YouTube and some of the links aren't touch and go (you have to copy and paste the link into a new browser window).  
Anyway, it is a useful set of resources that you will enjoy!!!

100 best Youtube videos for teachers

Esta lista de vídeos está dividida en 9 categorías: historia, arte, ciencias, lengua, cómo... , entre otras.
Puedes ver el Rijksmuseum o aprender la lengua de signos o recibir consejos de organización de la clase.  La selección es muy variada.
Ten cuidado porque algunos vídeos ya no están disponibles en Youtube y en otros deberás copiar y pegar el enlace en otra ventana.
De todas formas, es una colección de recursos muy útil que seguro te gustará.


Augmented Reality / Realidad Aumentada

Augmented Reality is coming with energy into our classrooms. Here's a video where you can see an example of how the students can learn a language in an easy and funny way!!!

Augmented Reality video

La Realidad Aumentada llega con fuerza a nuestras clases. Aquí tenéis un vídeo en el que podéis ver un ejemplo de cómo los alumnos pueden aprender un idioma de forma fácil y divertida.


International Museum Day

El miércoles 18 es el día Internacional del Museo. Os dejo un enlace a unas actividades online en inglés sobre museos y galerías que incluyen sopa de letras, concursos, listenings activos con vídeos... Seguro que les gusta a vuestros alumn@s.

         Museum and Galleries Online Activities   

Next Wednesday 18th is the International Museum Day. Here is a link to some online English activities on museums and galleries, including wordsearches, quizzes, video listening quizzes... I'm sure yous students will like it!

¡He vuelto! / Back again!!!

Después de mucho tiempo inactiva... ¡he vuelto! Han sido unos meses de mucho trabajo y aprendizaje y han merecido la pena. Ahora prometo seguir proponiendo ideas y recursos para el aula de inglés 2.0.

After a long dead stop... I'm back!!! These last months have been full of work and learnings but they were worth it!!! Now I promise I'll keep proposing ideas and resources for the 2.0 English class.