

ENGLISH ATTACK is the key to funny learning, whether through videos, photo vocabs or games!!! You can practice any piece of language while having fun.
Highly addictive and entertaining!!!

See an example of a video booster here about Dexter. There're highlighted words on the left so you know the main vocabulary. This is a short one belonging to intermediate level. 


Collaborative tools

Here's a link to a list of collaborative tools divided into management, mental maps and whiteboards, notes and bookmarks, emails and calendars, videoconference and text editor. 
Some of these tools include: Laboratree, Deskaway,, Mindmeister, Diigo, SpicebirdDimdim, Yuuguu or Textflow.

Really useful!!!


77 web resources for teachers

The course is almost over and some of you may start planning for the next one. If that's the case, here's a link to a compilation of 77 web resources you can try this summer to make the most of your lessons!!! 
They appear separated into areas and you can download and print them.
   77 WEB RESOURCES         



In QUIZLET you can find or create flashcards in different languages and about a great amount of varied topics. Besides, you can be tested or play games with the words chosen!!! It's very simple to use and really helpful for both teachers and students.
See the image for an example of flashcards about Spanish facts... Interesting, uh?
En QUIZLET puedes buscar o crear tarjetas de vocabulario en diferentes idiomas y sobre un gran cantidad de temas. Además, puedes hacer un test o jugar con las palabras que has elegido. Es muy fácil de usar y realmente útil tanto para profesores como para alumnos.
Mira la imagen como ejemplo de tarjeta sobre datos de España... Interesante, ¿eh? 


Audio Tweet

Here's an application to transform any text into an audio file to be spread in Facebook and Twitter.
First, select the language of the text so the system that generates the audio can do it keeping each language's features.
The result is a link, shortened with bit.lythat takes us to the adequate audio player, with the message automatically generated and ready to be heard by any person.
The link can be spread in the web by eamil for instance, or in forums.  

Os presento una aplicación que nos permite transformar cualquier texto en un archivo de audio que podremos divulgar en Facebook y Twitter. 
Primero seleccionamos el idioma del texto, para que el sistema que genera el audio lo haga respetando las características de cada lengua.
El resultado es un enlace, acortado con, que nos lleva al reproductor de audio adecuado, con el mensaje generado de forma automática y listo para ser escuchado por cualquier persona.
El enlace puede divulgarse por las redes, vía email, por ejemplo, o en foros.